Border Patrol Tested Positive for Diseases

imageedit_8_7183551695Border Patrol Looking To House Immigrants in Abandoned Warehouses Along Rio Grand

More than 52,000 children have entered the country illegal in recent months, many of them coming into the U.S. through South Texas. Former Zapata County Sheriff Gonzales, who now works as a consult with law enforcement agencies along the Texas border, says space is running out to house the children and adults that are coming across.

“The local governments are being overwhelmed because of the possibilities for diseases. There are people that are being apprehended that are coming in with warrants for murders or prior convictions for child abuse, and these are the guys that are coming in the same groups with 12 year olds and 5 year olds,” says Zapata. “They’re looking at some centers in the valley… abandoned buildings where they’re going to put fences inside the buildings to create detention cells and just throw people in there. “

Zapata says the situation is unprecedented, but the closest comparison would be to how the Astrodome in Houston was used during Hurricane Katrina, when 25,000 evacuees were housed inside of it.

“They’re going to go in there and divide the whole building into 4 pieces or 8 pieces using a hurricane fence or a cyclone fence and just put people in… until they’re processed.”

Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-Laredo), who works closely with agents along the border, confirmed the border patrol’s intentions to create additional housing areas.

“It’s basically a former warehouse and they’re working on retrofitting that to re-house the kids,” says Cuellar. “There’s really no other places to do this, but we’re trying to do the best that we can.”

Customs and Border Patrol has been shipping illegal immigrants to facilities all over the country and reportedly are even looking at using an abandoned Walmart in New York, according to Congressman Chris Collins (R-NY).

“It is unacceptable the federal government is trying to force the hardworking taxpayers of New York to foot the bill to house undocumented immigrants,” said Congressman Chris Collins. “The President’s actions have fueled the current crises along the southern border, and now New York residents are being directly impacted by his irresponsible actions. If President Obama was committed to enforcing the immigration laws currently in place, this would not be an issue. Instead, the President has decided to pick and choose which laws he wants to enforce, creating an environment where wrongdoing goes unpunished.”

In San Antonio, federal officials say a child in a temporary shelter is still recovering from swine flu.

Kenneth Wolfe, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, says the unaccompanied child was recently hospitalized after being diagnosed with swine flu, or H1N1. Wolfe says officials believe this is an isolated incident but are closely monitoring all children at Lackland and other similar shelters the agency is operating around the country.

“That tells you that when you’ve got kids coming in from some of these countries where they don’t have great health systems, we gotta watch out,” says Cuellar. “I’ve talked to border patrol down in McAllen. They’ve seen TB; they’ve seen chicken pox; they’ve seen scabies. And according to Border Patrol, 4 or 5 of their agents have tested positive for those diseases.”

Originally posted in CBS Local.

By, Lorra B. Chief Writer for Silent Soldier

Aborted Fetuses Burned For Fuel in Oregon – Graphic

Human, aborted imageedit_2_9577583126fetuses are being shipped to the United States from British Columbia and being incinerated to provide electricity for Oregon residents.

Thinking this too outlandish and, frankly, quite unsettling, I checked with to make sure this wasn’t some sick prank. I can assure you it is quite true.

The remains of aborted humans are being shipped to a US power facility, in order to provide electricity to Oregon residents.

“The British Colombia Health Ministry has confirmed that ‘medical waste’ is sent to our country to be converted to electricity in waste-to-power plants. ‘Medical waste,’ in this brave new world of ours, includes amputated limbs, cancerous tissue, and the bodies of murdered children,” according to

The Oregon incinerator was stopped by the County commissioners on Thursday from receiving any waste from medical facilities until it is ensured that fetal tissue will no longer be burned for fuel.

Sam Brentano and Janet Carlson, Marion County commissioners, said they strongly disagree with abortions and that they were “horrified” that the Marion County Resource Recovery Facility could actually be using human remains to fuel Oregon.

“We’re going to get to the bottom of it,” said Carlson. “I want to know who knew, when they knew, how long they had known this was going on.

Brentano acknowledged that all human tissue can be accepted at the waste-to-energy plant, but stated, “No rule or law has been broken, but there’s an ethical standard that’s been broken.”

“We provide an important service to the people of this state and it would be a travesty if this program is jeopardized due to this finding. We thought our ordinance excluded this type of material at the waste-to-energy facility. We will take immediate action to ensure a process is developed to prohibit human tissue from future deliveries,” continued Brentano.

“We are outraged and disgusted that this material could be included in medical waste received at the facility,” Carlson stated. “We did not know this practice was occurring until today. We are taking immediate action and initiating discussions with Covanta Marion to make certain that this type of medical waste is not accepted in the future.”

The United Kingdom went through a similar experience last month when similar reports of aborted fetuses being incinerated for energy caused upheaval and caused the U.K. authorities to halt the “totally unacceptable” practice.

According to reports, over 15,000 babies, miscarried or aborted, were included in the clinical waste and incinerated.

“As many as 10 employees at England’s National Health Service admitted to having burned fetal remains that had been mixed with garbage, and two other employees said the aborted or miscarried bodies were used in the country’s “waste-to-energy” plants to generate power for heat,” reported Britain’s Telegraph newspaper.

The Obama administration’s Securities and Exchange Commission stated on February 28, 2012, that this type of use is well within the confines of “ordinary business.”

An email from Gayle Atteberry, an Oregon Right to Life’s Executive Director, was sent to LifeNews when she got wind of this new “alternative energy.”

As horrified as I am to hear of the bodies of Canada’s smallest citizens being burned to create electricity for our homes, I am not surprised. When we do not respect the unborn babies’ right to life, what is stopping us from using their bodies for our own gain, whether that be burning them for electricity or destroying them for embryonic stem cell research? The next question is: are Oregon’s babies being burned as well?”

Many pro-life advocates tend to compare abortion with the Holocaust for which the pro-abortion quickly condemn them. Though, the comparison is a gruesome reminder of the despicable way humans were treated in Nazi Germany.

According to Jeff Bickford, the environmental services division manager in Marion County, waste material has been taken from British Columbia for up to 7 years. “You’ve got biological agent and infectious diseases in there”…that need to be incinerated.

Brentano stated that in order to insure that no fetus tissue enter the incinerator, new ordinances need to be written.

Carlson asked during a meeting, “So if someone loses an arm, loses a finger?”

Brentano replied, “That should go in and be burned, as gross as that is.”

The Department of Health issued a ban prohibiting hospitals from the misuse of the bodies of babies “victimized by abortion any further.”

By Lorra B. Chief Writer for Silent Soldier

Sudanese Christian Mom Spared From Death ReArrested 24 Hours Later

imageedit_2_4608762815It was for renouncing Islam and embracing Christianity that Meriam Ibrahim, 27, was sentenced to hang for apostasy, igniting outrage from at home and from overseas. She was released on Monday and arrested again Tuesday as she and her family were trying to leave the country of Africa.

The National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) agents, about 40 of them, detained her, her husband and their two children at Khartoum Airport, just 24 hours after her release.

A head Sudanese official said she would be released “soon,” according to BBC News. “Abdullahi Alzareg from the ministry of foreign affairs told BBC’s Newshour program that Mrs. Ibrahim had been arrested because she did not have the correct travel documents.”

Then why did it take almost 40 agents to arrest her at the airport and why did they detain the family?

“We don’t have a reason as to why,” said Al-Sharif Ali, a member of her legal team. “Her husband is also being detained. We have tried to see them, but it has been very difficult. The National Security Force will not allow us to meet with them.”

Ibrahim is Sudanese and she was using emergency South Sudanese papers with a U.S. visa. Her husband, a Christian from South Sudan, has U.S. nationality.

The facility Ibrahim, Daniel Wani and their children were taken to is used by Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Service. “A source close to the family told…They have travel documents furnished by the U.S. embassy, but Ibrahim did not have a passport, the source said.”

“She is either banned from traveling or the NISS could also create “paper issues” if they don’t want her to leave the country.”

A man who claims to be the brother of Ibrahim, Al-Hadi, said on Tuesday that his family’s honor had been tarnished because of the case and he is seeking revenge.

Ibrahim, while in court, denied being related to Al-Hadi.

The whole can of worms started when a relative of Ibrahim’s, a Muslim, said her family was stunned to realize she had married a Christian after having been missing for a number of years, according to her lawyer.

Because Ibrahim’s father was a Muslim the courts considered her a Muslim even though she said she had never practiced Islam and professed to be a Christian. “She was charged with adultery, because a Muslim woman’s marriage to a Christian man is illegal in Sudan, and with apostasy, accused of illegally renouncing what was alleged to be her original faith,” stated CNN.

“I am a Christian,” Ibrahim stated during her hearing last month, “and I will remain a Christian.” Her mother is an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian and raised her children as such. Ibrahim’s father, a Muslim, abandoned her at the age of 6.

“It’s very disappointing,” Elshareef, the family’s lawyer, said. “They were very angry. They took us (family’s lawyers) outside, and took the family to a NISS detention center. They have not been given access to lawyers.”

Because the appeals court had overturned all of Ibrahim’s convictions, Elshareef believes that political differences within their government about the case could have played a role in preventing her from leaving.

“I’m very concerned. When people do not respect the court, they might do anything,” said Elshareef.

This case attracted international criticism and more than 1 million people supported a crusade by Amnesty International to set her free.

David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, said he was “absolutely appalled” by the treatment given to her. Political and “religious leaders, celebrities and human rights organizations” condemned her imprisonment. The British Foreign Office and U.S. sate department welcomed her release.

“This is a deeply troubling development,” stated Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the American Center for Law and Justice. The ACLJ collected over 300,000 signatures in a petition demanding her release. “The decision to take the entire family into custody is a violation of international law and we call on Sudan to release them without delay. Meriam and her family’s fate are now unclear.”

By Lorra B. Chief Writer for Silent Soldier

If I were in charge: solutions for Iraq

What Did You Say? the Vote

Written by Allen West on June 16, 2014

Image via NBC News Image via NBC News

There is without a doubt a crisis brewing in Iraq, but you’d never know it based on the actions of  President Obama. Ol’ “No-Drama-Obama” made a worthless speech to the press on his way to a helicopter whisking him away for a nice trip to North Dakota – and oh yeah, more golf. Meanwhile Russian separatists, supported by Vladimir Putin, shot down a Ukrainian military transport plane killing nearly 50. But no big deal, Obama had a Democrat fundraiser to attend.

There is lots of speculation about what is happening in Iraq, but it’s clear the responsibility of these events fall squarely in the lap of two men:

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Barack Hussein Obama and Nouri al-Maliki.

Obama sided with campaign promises and not strategic policy. Al-Maliki sided with his Shiite…

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