‘Way to fan the flames’: Salon ties ‘White America’ to #CharlestonShooting; Tweeters condemn ‘white privilege’

CaptureJune 18, 2015


Read it and shake your head:

White right-wing domestic terrorism is one of the greatest threats to public safety and security in post 9/11 United States of America. Such a plain-spoken fact is verboten in mainstream American public discourse.

Once and again, white privilege is the power to be the ultimate individual where one’s actions and behavior rarely if ever reflects on the collective character of white people en masse. By comparison, Black and brown Americans, Muslims, Arabs and the Other more generally are routinely subjected to group punishment and demonization.

White Americans will not have to look in the mirror and ask, “what does it feel like to be a problem.” In the aftermath of recurring mass shooting events, and right-wing domestic terrorism, it is essential that they start to practice such acts of introspection in the interest of the Common Good.

Salon’s idiocy isn’t surprising … but it is pretty disgusting.









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Disclaimer: This article was not written by Lorra B.

7 thoughts on “‘Way to fan the flames’: Salon ties ‘White America’ to #CharlestonShooting; Tweeters condemn ‘white privilege’

  1. Actually, I once again agree with jcscuba. But let me take it a step farther. ANY use of such a tragedy to politicize ANYTHING like gun control, white supremacy, etc. should be a federal crime. the perpetrator should be locked up with the perpetrator of this incident until he’s put to death. Trying to change America by politicizing tragedy is just wrong. Help these poor people who are grieving and mourning heal. THEN if you want to get political, fine, but for God’s sakes, there’s more at stake here than politics.
    Oh…and it might help to get to the root of the problem…which isn’t gun control. I doubt a stronger gun law would have saved those 9 people. Maybe re-instilling the 10 Commandments might have helped a little bit more than a useless law that was going to be broken anyway! Just sayin’

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The real story here is Obama using this tragedy to continue to push his anti-Second Amendment agenda.
    For that I have dubbed him the nations “Sock Cuker.”

    Liked by 1 person

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