Back Surgery Is Hell, Just Saying



imageedit_3_2321775108September 15, 2016

by Lorra B.

Just a quick note to say that I have not dropped off the face of the earth my friends but have been down the last couple weeks with back issues and have not been online much.

But, on Tuesday I went in for back surgery and just home a bit ago. So, while I am currently flying very pleasantly on Hydrocodone pain medication I thought I would post and let you all know I will only be online sporadically over the next couple of weeks. Then, it will be work as usual, I hope!

Missing you all!




37 thoughts on “Back Surgery Is Hell, Just Saying

    • Thanks Jim…prayers are always welcome! It turned out to be more of a surgery than was expected so it will be a bit of a recovery. BUT, I’m planning on getting back on the keyboard Monday and just doing a little each day or so. PTherapy won’t start for another 3-4 weeks. Back surgery isn’t for sissies that’s for sure! LOL!

      Hoping you are well! Hey, how’s that broken toe?? 😊


  1. And OF COURSE everyone has to comment to you Lorra B. making u work! (our condolences for your pain)! & for being forced to get hi-iiiiii …! Rush Limbaugh (2003). ‘Limbaugh told listeners his problems started years ago after continued pain following spinal surgery. “Rather than opt for additional surgery for these conditions, I chose to treat the pain with prescribed medication, and this medication turned out to be highly addictive.” [OxyContin and Hydrocodone]. It’s always something isn’t it!
    So, if you DO see a black copter landing in your yard, ask your hubby if it’s really there – before thinking Sparky wasn’t too far off base!
    NO LAUGHING LORRA! just a simple 🙂! God’s Best to you my sis in the LORD!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I was concerned that maybe the black helicopter’s had finally got a victim! (Just kidding) Please rest and get well soon. We’ll all be praying for your speedy recovery. If you lived closer, I could run errands for you. Hope you have someone close by that can care for you. Luv & hugs

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hey Lorra, hope you are healing well, I’m well acquainted with the oxy but never had to have surgery. Hey a funny story with a military connection to cheer you up. I don’t know how much of my story you know but I am a retired cop who only about a year ago started to conceal carry again. I got my pseudonym after shooting myself in the leg with my new glock 26 9mm. So I’m lying on the gurney in the ER with a med tech on each arm sticking me for IV’s when another tech shows up at my feet. So the one on my right says to the one at my feet, ask him what he did. So he asks me and I reply “Dumb ass shot himself in the leg and I’m a retired cop!” He looks at me with all seriousness and says, ” You were in the Navy” I’m like, “How did you know?” He replies, “I was in the Army and soldiers don’t shoot themselves!” I laughed so hard which was a good thing because they wouldn’t give me any pain meds while they were debating surgery and waiting for the scans to come back. Heres to a quick and speedy recovery. 💕 Now you know why I go by Barney!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hope you recover quickly and have no more back problems.
    I know what you’re going through-had 3 back surgeries- the stuff that can be fixed is fixed-the rest I just have to live with.
    My issues are L-3,L-4,L-5,and S-1.
    Plus a “rebuilt” C-7.
    Back problems are no fun-neither was the neck problem.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sounds like we have much of the same issues! Nope, no fun at all. The neck is also my next step but at the moment the thought of it sends me over the edge. My doc actually did 3 surgeries in 1 (grateful he did that and I didn’t have to go back under the knife two more times!!) and man oh man….! I didn’t expect the pain, beyond intense, and I have a very high pain tolerance! Thank the Lord for painkillers! Just saying! 😂🤓

      How is your pain now??

      Liked by 1 person

      • My pain is off the charts 24/7. Been in pain mgt. via Cleveland clinic for 10 or 11 years now.
        Not on any crazy doses of pain meds,been at same dosages for 8 years. The first couple years were when I underwent long series of ortho surgeries to get rid of bone infection- (osteomyelitis)-after that my dosages dropped to level I’m at now.
        If you look at pics on left side of page on that’s me sitting on bean bag chair with the torture device on my leg.
        Taylor spatial frame/ilizarov procedure was series of surgeries- it worked so was worth it.

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      • Wow, you really went through it. Gosh…truly sorry for it because I am also no stranger to the 24/7 pain. Been dealing with it for years as well. This surgery Will hopefully elevate 3/4’s of it and I will be beyond grateful for it! Funny what we can learn to live with, well, until it reaches THAT place. I’m so glad to hear the surgeries were worth it and for you sharing your story!! Have a great day! (It’s amazing what we can get done from the couch with our cell phones isn’t it? LOLOL!) 😊

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