It’s Time That U.S. Navy Seal Sniper Chris Kyle Be Nominated For The Congressional Medal Of Honor

dJuly 8, 2015

We The People writes: As writer and owner of this site I’m privy to  comments made which many readers may choose to forgo.

 It struck me recently how we spend so much time talking among ourselves, or “Preaching to the choir,” so to speak while we accomplish little or nothing.

When was the last time you contacted your members of congress in writing and asked them why they haven’t begun writing up letters of impeachment against Obama?

Of course I know what you are thinking, It will never happen because RiNO’s in the Senate would not vote to convict.

Don’t forget to remind them that you will not vote again for them if the fail to act in accordance with your wishes.

At the same time ask that they nominate U.S. NAVY SEAL Chris Kyle for the Congressional Medal of honor.

Members of congress have already begun launching the effort, your letters and phone calls will only help add more gasoline to the fire.

16995939-mmmainAt the same time it would be just wonderful to see Chris’ lovely widow, Taya Kyle dis Obama by not showing up to the ceremony. 

On the other hand she could attend the ceremony and whisper loudly, “You sir are not fit for command.”


It takes so little time and effort.

Each of us can contact our members of congress in writing here.

Please follow with a phone contact to one of their aids, these counts are tallied and have nowhere near the impact of a letter.
1-866-338-1015  Capitol Switchboard

It just doesn’t get any easier than this.  Please quit reading and start writing, you just fill in a brief form from the link above and follow with a phone call.  Thanks for your consideration, Jim Campbell.

More at We The People

Disclaimer: This article was not written by Lorra B.

11 thoughts on “It’s Time That U.S. Navy Seal Sniper Chris Kyle Be Nominated For The Congressional Medal Of Honor

  1. Reblogged this on Basharr's Outpost and commented:
    “It is my belief that due to his extraordinary service and sacrifice to this country that Chris Kyle should be nominated for the congressional medal of honor, not just for what he did in battle but how he lost his life trying to help other vets.His […]


    • You are so one the nails my friend. Thanks so much for your comment. Please pull the trigger and contact your members of congress. Let them know if they don’t get it together, you will not be voting for them. That’s the only language these lounge lizards understand.


  2. I wrote my congressman Doug LaMalfa and said this “It is my belief that due to his extraordinary service and sacrifice to this country that Chris Kyle should be nominated for the congressional medal of honor, not just for what he did in battle but how he lost his life trying to help other vets.His wife and children need to know this country views him as a hero and a true patriot.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is a great article to get out to your readers. If we want to get our country back we must do it by forcing our politicians to act for us, not against us.

    Liked by 1 person

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