“Banning Word of ALLAH is Liking Banning Word of GOD” Reports AceWorldNews

imageedit_2_2250760853AceWorldNews: South East Asia News      September 18, 2014

The following article was written by AceWorldNews and isn’t about religious beliefs but about censorship and the absurdity of what is being done in Malaysia.

For long, Malaysia has been a multi-religious country where most people can adhere to their own religion even though Islam is the official religion. A state with a history of its diverse faith followers that lived in peace with each other. However, recent years have seen a drastic rise in growing intolerance towards the religious and ethnic minorities.

In recent developments, are the infamous Malay Court Ban limiting the use of the Arabic word Allah for Muslims “ONLY.

The country has come under fire for its systematic evidence of targeting Christian community; the church burnings, grave desecration and the seizure of 300 Bibles. This Bible raid was justified under the Court ruling as it contained the word Allah. Come again.

When one thinks that the word Allah has been used by Malaysians for over 600 years and the name Allah was used in the Gospel printed in Malaysian 400 years ago, we can better comprehend the senselessness and impropriety of this prohibition. Ridiculous:.

The followers of Christ in the Arabian Peninsula, including some 12 million followers of Christianity are using the word Allah without any qualms or statutory rulings.

So why and what is wrong in Malaysian Christians using the word Allah?

The Koran itself is very clear on this subject, by affirming that Muslims should say to Jews and Christians that “our God and your God is one”.

However, many Malay Muslims have a rigid and schematic view of Islam. The challenge is to “educate the masses” and to promote religious freedom. Moreover, the government says Allah should be reserved exclusively for Muslims — who make up nearly two-thirds of the country’s 29 million people — because if other religions use it that could confuse Muslims and lead them to convert.

For crying out loud, is this really happening?

The Allah ban is a direct result of our failure in Nation Building as a peoples. Everyone is responsible for it and everyone should play a role in the reconciliation process. We will have to look back as a nation and ask where did we go wrong. Then from there, we will need to find new creative ways to bridge the cross cultural gaps that led to this point,” says Malaysian human rights defender and Director, Dignity International (an international human rights based organization) Adrian Periera.

On-ground human rights groups have joined hands with Malaysian Catholics in campaigning against this ruling. One good that came out of this inanity, is the renewal of the Malaysians spirit that is seen into coming together as a united force. Needless, the Malays Catholics don’t find themselves alone in this battle and can count on the support of Muslim groups.

Organizations like Sisters in Islam (SIS) and the Front for Islamic revival (IRF) have launched initiatives on social networks to promote accurate information removed from the ideology and propaganda of the government and extremist movements.

God, what is your religion?” This cryptic question, spotted on a T-shirt worn by a Malay Muslim woman demonstrator in a public protest for expressing solidarity with minority Christians over who can use the term ‘Allah’.

This debate has crossed national borders and sparked a debate among Muslims around the world.

In Pakistan, the English daily newspaper Daily Times questioned the ruling, asking why Malaysia would deny people of other faiths to “own God in all His attributes”. Similarly a newspaper in the United Arab Emirates called the court ruling “wrong”, and said the word Allah was never exclusive to Islam but used by both Christians and Jews to refer to God even before the advent of Islam.

“So. My God is not your God. And your God is not mine”

Is this making sense to any sane person within Malaysia and elsewhere? I guess not.

Reza Aslam, Muslim Academic writer said that the world was “laughing” at Malaysia over the court ruling that he described as a political decision more than anything else. “That you can control people’s ideas, their behavior, their faith and their minds simply by trying to control the words that they use, is absurd. It is an embarrassment to a modern, constitutional, democratic and deeply Muslim state like Malaysia,” said the religious scholar.

Indeed, congratulations to Malaysia being the first country to ban God’s name and to limit God to themselves.



Ace Related News:

1. Malaysia’s Top Court Rules Non-Muslims Cannot Use the World Allah to        Refer to God 

2. Ban on use of Allah is Dangerous  


By Lorra B. Chief Writer for Silent Soldier


28 thoughts on ““Banning Word of ALLAH is Liking Banning Word of GOD” Reports AceWorldNews

  1. I wonder if this isn’t bound up in ‘political correctness’ (censorship), forbidding us “infidel” from saying allah. This is the foolishness lead by Liberalism, to appease what’s wrong and punish what is right and correct. Allah is no god and does not and should not be respected on the same level as God — something which was recognized in the U.S. for at least 200 years, but has fallen to PCness.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good to see the news spreading out. Perhaps rebloggers should be aware that this article is written by a Muslim writer who is proud to be follower of faith ISLAM quoted as cancer and etc etc.


  3. “Banning word of ALLAH is like banning the Word of God” – wtf? When you stop to think about how many, and on what scale, connections the disciples of Islam have with mass murder, terrorism, and human rights violations, there is NO comparison. There is no justification for allowing cancer to thrive in a body, and ISLAM is a cancer.


    • I appreciate that Vernon! The article was mostly about censorship and how ridiculous that attempt can be. If our government said that we could no longer say God, then took all the bibles, would that stop us from saying the word or believing in Him?? I think that was the point to the article, tho I wasn’t the author of this particular article. Do I support that belief system, NO! I’m a proud Christian. So, I took it at simply discussing the ridiculousness of them trying to ban a WORD…ya know?


      • Yes, Lorra, I do get that. Normally, I’m willing to bend like a carnival pretzel in favor of free speech and non-censorship. But, I’m 50+ years along, and I can still remember the bombing of the USS Cole – and every act of Islamic terror since. It took a long time for me to change my thinking on this, but I now think we need to treat humanity like a living organism and cut off the flow of blood to any diseased parts that threaten the survival of the whole. You’ve seen my posts over the last month about Muslims and what they believe. I no longer think there are any “moderate” Muslims – only Muslims who live in places where they are still minority enough that they can’t get away with Sharia Law.


      • Agreed Vernon! We are around the same age and I do remember. They believe that anyone who doesn’t convert to their belief should be killed, insanity! I’m just thinking that censorship isn’t the answer to this “war” at all. It won’t change who they are OR what they believe. I think it could get some folks to sympathize with their plight and are UpForACause to support because of ignorance (and their is much of that!). Just me thinking out loud… Love the great comments sir!


      • I agree that censorship won’t change who they are or what they believe. I’m now of the opinion that nothing we could ever attempt to do would accomplish that goal. Islam has a natural appeal to those who crave the authority to force others to conform to their beliefs, and for that reason alone is spreading across the planet like wildfire in this highly polarized political climate.

        If I were to suddenly find myself filling Obama’s shoes, I would use an Executive Order to put Islam and all parasitic support organizations (Nation of Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Hamas . . .) on the list of officially recognized terrorist groups, and order all Islamists expelled from the country – as a start. Freeze all their assets in this country, and divert the cash to compensation funds for the relatives & survivors of the acts of terror they have committed against the US. Back Israel in securing it’s borders and providing for their defense. Help all our North American and European allies to move towards implementing the same rules towards Muslims that Japan uses – and move us that direction as well. That’s a good start.


      • I wouldn’t know the first thing about getting a campaign like that started – but if someone wanted to start it and “draft” me, I wouldn’t refuse. Keep in mind, I’m a registered independent, who leans heavily Libertarian. Fiscal conservative, social liberal. Which means that I sometimes think Democrats have the right idea, but no practical thoughts about paying for it.


      • I have an entire “report” on my blog titled “2016 – what the next US president should do”. Immigration, taxes, jobs, government reform . . . I’ve given a LOT of thought to it.


      • That will be an interesting thing to watch. I’ve actually had both Republicans and Democrats tell me that, while they don’t support everything, they see enough they like that they would consider voting for me. It’s quite weird.


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