Video: Obama Makes Disgraceful Military Announcement… Right In Front of the Troops

imageedit_2_2081032712December 17, 2014



Conservative Tribune:



When I was growing up, my mother taught me little bits of wisdom that would serve me well later in life. One of these was the old adage, “There’s a time and a place for everything.”

Apparently, President Barack Obama’s mother didn’t impart this wisdom to him. Nor, apparently, did Frank Marshall Davis.

It’s no secret that Obama is so anti-military he makes Michael Dukakis look like George Patton. However, there’s a time and a place to show that side of yourself in public.

One of them, funnily enough, is not when you’re addressing our men in uniform.

The president was addressing our troops at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst.

In addition to a weak, patronizing quip comparing Santa’s sleigh to a Lockheed C-130, Obama decided to use the occasion to tell the military just how high a priority they are. (Spoiler alert: not very.)

“The time of deploying large ground forces with big military footprints to engage in nation building overseas — that’s coming to an end,” Obama said.

“Going forward, our military will be leaner — but as your commander in chief, I’m going to make sure we keep you ready for the range of missions that we ask of you” (H/T Breitbart).

I boldfaced two parts. The first is the lede, the second is the obviously false rationalization.

Just so we’re clear, this is a military that’s ramping up to fight the largest group of terrorists in Iraq and Syria, a group that flourished in the vacuum created by Obama’s most recognizable attempt at making the military “leaner” by vacating Iraq in spite of all reasonable advice.

How much fat can you possibly trim from a military that’s gearing up to fight the gravest threat to peace and stability in the Middle East since Saddam, especially when you’ve already cut so much?

The answer is that you can’t, but our president refuses to acknowledge that.

Opposition to the military is just one of the white elephants in Obama’s discredited soixante-huitard liberalism, where teachable moments and moral relativism will solve all of the world’s conflicts.

That cold, hard reality has debunked these myths seems to matter not in the least to our commander in chief, who seems actually to believe that our beleaguered military is too big and too interventionist for a job it barely  has the resources to accomplish now.

Nevertheless, Obama continues to talk a big game, going as far as to threaten terrorists during his harangue.

“You threaten America and you will have no safe haven. We will find you and, like petty tyrants and terrorists before you, the world is going to leave you behind and keep moving on without you,” he said. “Because we will get you.”

I’m sure somewhere in Mosul, functionaries of  the terrorist group that calls itself the Islamic State are shaking in their stolen boots, knowing that our president is threatening to cut resources to a military that is hardly making a dent in their stranglehold on the region now.

It’s funny that our nation’s executive sees fit to spend so much of his time pushing to raise the minimum wage for our nation’s cashiers and Subway sandwich artists, but tells the underpaid men and women in uniform who do the thankless job of carrying out his ill-considered foreign policy that times are going to be “leaner” for them.

Nice work, Mr. President.

5 thoughts on “Video: Obama Makes Disgraceful Military Announcement… Right In Front of the Troops

  1. he is a pc of work, disturbingly hateful all the way…why should he stay in office, somebody had better stop him, he is always up to no good, like the neighborhood thug, or crime lord…the greatest country in the world has a pc of ship for a “president”…his arrogance will do him in…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This guy is seriously in need of having his jaws wired closed. If you didn’t notice the I movement on the men and women below it’s worth another take just to see the fool who is about to go on another taxpayer vacation for 17 days. As the saying goes, “When the going gets tough the tough get going,” so be it for our volunteer military. For Obama, the floating turd, one answer, flush him down the drain.

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