Baltimore prosecutor charges police with murder in death of Freddie Gray

dMay 1, 2015

Fox News:

DEVELOPING: Prosecutors charged six Baltimore police officers Friday with crimes ranging from murder to assault in the death of Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old black man whose death last month of injuries apparently suffered in police custody touched off peaceful protests that degenerated into a night of rioting, looting and chaos Monday.

DEVELOPING: Prosecutors charged six Baltimore police officers Friday with crimes ranging State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, speaking at a Friday news conference, blasted the six police involved in Gray’s arrest on April 12, during which he suffered a broken neck that proved fatal a week later. Mosby said the police had no basis for arresting Gray, who police said avoided eye contact and was carrying a switchblade. One police officer, identified as Caesar Goodson, 45, was charged with second-degree murder, while others were charged with crimes including manslaughter and assault.

“No one is above the law,” declared Mosby, who said she comes from three generations of law enforcement and has been on the job for four months. Her husband is Baltimore City Councilman Nick Mosby, who has spoken out about the riots and anger in the city’s African-American community.

Gray suffered a broken neck, apparently while riding in the back of the Baltimore police van. Mosby said Friday the medical examiner had ruled the death a homicide. Police sources have said his injuries may have been caused by his head hitting a bolt inside the vehicle, according to local reports citing sources familiar with a police report now in the hands of state prosecutors.

Gray died a week later, on April 19. Until Friday’s news conference few details about the investigation had been publicly released and most of what was known came from local reports citing unnamed sources. An explosive report Wednesday night in the Washington Post cited a fellow passenger’s account in a police affidavit that said Gray was thrashing around in an effort to injure himself, although that witness went on the city’s CBS affiliate to say his words were taken out of context and that he now fears for his life after his statement was used to bolster the police version of events.

“When I was in the back of that van it did not stop or nothing,” Danta Allen, who had been arrested for allegedly stealing a cigarette, told WJZ. “All it did was go straight to the station, but I heard a little banging, like he was banging his head,” Allen said. ” I didn’t even know he was in the van until we got to the station.”

More at Fox News

Disclaimer: This article was not written by Lorra B.

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